Car in Water Update

Good morning again parents. We wanted to be sure to let you know that the car has been safely recovered from the water and removed from the Sound School campus. First responders were outstanding and the operation went smoothly. Police are still investigating how the car got into the water, but most importantly no one was injured. Thank you as always for your trust and support, your kids were awesome today!

Buenos días padres. Queremos dejarle saber que el auto ha sido recuperado del agua y retirado con seguridad fuera del área de la Escuela. Los agentes de rescate hicieron un trabajo excepcional. La policía sigue investigando cómo el auto se metió en el agua, pero lo más importante es que nadie resultó herido. Gracias como siempre por su confianza y apoyo, sus hijos fueron impresionantes hoy.

Rebecca Gratz, Principal

The Sound School Regional Vocational Aquaculture Center

60 South Water Street

New Haven, CT 06519

Phone: (203) 946 – 6937

Twitter: @principalgratz




The Sound School where education is:

Engaging. Authentic. Meaningful. Transformative

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